Changes to configuration or appearance of any exterior structures (e.g. home, detached structures, driveway, fence, etc.) must be approved through architectural controls, before work is started. Non-compliance with architectural controls may result in fines and/or legal action. The only exception to this is repairing with like kind, quality, color and materials. See the governing documents on the Homeowners tab for more details.
The HOA Board works diligently to adjust to changing construction practices, while staying in harmony with the uniqueness of our neighborhood and covenants. Current allowed variances (not an exhaustive list):
- change to brick exterior include, paint, stain, smear, white wash with a neutral color spectrum of white, cream and grey. No latex paint only material such as mineral specifically for masonry. ARCH FORM MOST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE ANY APPLICATION. OTHERWISE FINES UP TO $15,000 CAN APPLY.
- brick culvert caps, instead of aggregate concrete (no stone or other material)
- metal roofing on patios, window bump-outs, and entranceways, instead of shingle
- gravel parking pads, instead of aggregate or asphalt
- six foot privacy fences on street facing side of lot, instead of 4 foot picket
- black metal fencing (not chain link), instead of wood, no plastic, no combination of materials (wood and Metal) except in cases where a metal fence backs up to open space and wood side are meant for privacy.
- maple leaf style wrought iron mailbox post, instead of original style (see mailboxes page)
Note: An Arc Request is mandatory for any exterior changes including, new fence, color/treatment added to exterior brick, new construction of any kind such as porticos, porches (screened or not), new storage shed, etc. and lack of arc request submitted and approved will result in legal action, significant fines ($25-$15,000), and/or removal of materials at the homeowners expense.
Please allow at least 14 days for review.
Please submit the required documentation before any work has begun to the board via