Mission Statement from the board
Our mission is to serve the neighborhood and community, be consistent in our practices, maintain a safe environment, maintain and/or increase property values.
Board Members:
Seth Hester, President
DC Curry, Vice President, Architectural Control
Tom Elefante, Administrator, secretary
Beth Meisner, Treasurer
Please contact the board via email at board@redwingmeadows.org or https://app.townsq.io/login
Redwing Meadows is managed by Associa Tennessee. To contact Associa, you may call Christina Wachtel at 615-775-9050 (main) or via email at christina.wachtel@associa.us
All questions about your account should be directed to the Associa Customer Care Center for expedited handling at ATInfo@Associa.us or 1-615-775-9050 / 1-865-692-0930